Simple Commands on the bash console
There are a lot of commands on the bash console, and these are some of the simplest ones.
This is the ’echo’ command, and you can use it to repeat what you’ve typed, like this: echo ‘I like biscuits’
It will then repeat what you said. I typed echo ‘I like biscuits’ ,so it would write I like biscuits .
The next command is the ‘sleep’ command, which you can use to make the computer wait a certain amount of seconds. For example, if I typed sleep 1 , then it would wait 1 second.
Joining commands
To join commands, you type ; inbetween them. For example: echo ‘I like to colour’; sleep 2; echo ‘but I would rather draw.’
The command ’ls’ is used to list all the files and all the directories in the current directory.
The command ‘cat’ is used to display all of the contents of a file.